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Our Team

Shakuntla aunty, married at the age of 14, lost her husband she lost her dream her life, she values education the most and wants to provide that to her nephew and neice.

Mahesh Uncle is a 65 year old with big smile on his face shines bright, regardless of how challenging growing up settling in Rajasthan, from Bengal has been.

Manoj bhaiya wants to bring joy to his family, by spending time with them and he loves travelling and visiting shrines.

Nirmala aunty smiling in wind with all the curiosity within. She wants to learn more into craftsmanship and grow as an artisan.

Baby finds laughter amidst of the broken days, she has begun to embrace the quest of life and wants to learn all that is there in the field of garments industry.

Rekha aunty is a 50 year old, she works as a pattern sampling technologist with a pretty laugh on her face wants to work towards learning handcrafting.

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